Bug Detection Sydney
Bug Detection & Bug Sweeping Sydney
Our highly skilled and experienced operatives specialise in detecting electronic eavesdropping. By employing a systematic physical, electronic and digital examination of the target location, we will endeavour to expose security hazards, privacy weaknesses and electronic eavesdropping devices.
TSCM or Bug Sweeps are imperative to businesses and individuals for critical areas such as; Protection of Intellectual property, Preservation of proprietary information, economic espionage mitigation and overall privacy.
TSCM Sydney / Bug Detection is a highly specialised science, its aim is to identify and expose compromises in communications and intelligence. By engaging in the right Surveillance Countermeasures, our team will detect all hidden microphones or bugs, as well as exposing hidden cameras and GPS Tracking devices. In essence, we will neutralise the risk.
Precision Integrity Private Investigators Sydney are the leading investigators in the field of Technical Surveillance Counter Measures, with clients hailing from a myriad of sectors including, Security, Hospitality, Facilities Management, Federal and State Government assets and private citizens. If you suspect that you are being watched or listened to, engage our TSCM services to give you peace of mind.
Precision Integrity have a dedicated team of TSCM Sydney operatives that have been extensively trained with the latest state-of-the-art TSCM equipment. To keep them abreast of a dynamic environment, our TSCM team routinely attend workshops to maintain an updated working knowledge of the ever-changing countermeasures technology field. Our research and development arm are constantly focused on new, sophisticated iterations of digital eavesdropping devices.
In this day and age nobody is immune to loss of privacy and security compromise. From the highest levels of government and intelligence agencies to multinational corporate entities, anyone is a potential target for covert surveillance. Wherever there are discussions of topics of great value to another – there is the real risk of spying.
As a business, you may want to reflect on the following: